Translation Check by Chrouya Script: Dog Days' 10 [timed - xMyth] Workraw: Dog Days' - 10 480 AAC 36 The opening battle of Union Festival The opening battle of the Union Festa {double space there. Festa for consisntency} 48 Head of Science, Princess, please go ahead.{shiseki is a nickname for rico i guess~} Head of Inventions, Princess, please go ahead.{shiseki is a nickname for rico i guess~} {consistency with latest ep} 51 ...the chief of the Royal Research Institute Ricotta,{and continued by ricotta~} ...Chief of the Royal Research Institute, Ricotta, {qc} 59 {sign} Biscotti's Third Unit {or squadron --> then you have to change line 61/62/66 accordingly.} 68 All right! Our first team is pushing them forward. All right! Our first team is pushing forward. {You don't push an enemy forward. You go forward, they fall back.} 70 Okay, attack Gallette's main unit with all of your might, and take down Pastillage's front lines!{Yeah, to the Gallet's main unit attack at all force and crash down Pastillage's front lines!}{4:16} Okay, attack Galette's main unit with all of your might, and take down Pastillage's front lines!{Yeah, to the Gallet's main unit attack at all force and crash down Pastillage's front lines!}{4:16} {typo} 73 This is going to be an all-or-nothing battle.{tlc onegai zenmetsu nani sore?~} {zenmetsu (全滅) means annihilation. A decisive battle, in this case. So this is all right.} 82 manage to defeat a high-ranking officer, {05:12.354} manage to capture grounds in the area, {or manage to conquer the battlefield} {no other problem found here} 93 It's a once in a life time event, after all. It's a once-in-a-lifetime event, after all. {hyphenated and lifetime being one word} 102 I was a bit interested in how battles are held nowdays, that's all.{adel said desu~ kawaii~ well odin the picture about her funny faces was right before this scene~} I was a bit interested in how battles are held nowadays, that's all.{adel said desu~ kawaii~ well odin the picture about her funny faces was right before this scene~} {nowadays} 113 Let's show them our air-fighting Biscotti-style technique!{tlc on ricotta accent~} Let's show them our Biscotti-style aerial combat!{tlc on ricotta accent~} {Isn't it a coincidence such manoeuvers are called dogfights?} 115 Rebecca, let's do our best and fight them! Rebecca, let's release the bullet hell! {literally "Release the bullet hell!"} 129 This was truly a wonderful starting exchange of offence and defense!{maybe offence and defence}{yeah gomen spelling mistakes~}{you had no mistakes, I was making a suggestion for the editor}{ah ok~ yay desu~ that's like amazing i have a sentence with no spelling mistakes~}{you're not as bad as you think you are}{that really cheers me up~} This was truly a wonderful starting exchange of offence and defence! {In British English, most words that end on -ense are now -ence.} 130 Princess, Head of Science, what was that move just now?! {see fix above somewhere} 135 Rico is, of course, and the Princess did put a lot of hard work into all that.{as in working out on the new attack?~} Rico goes without saying, but even the Princess put a lot of hard work into all that. {yes, that anti-air attack} {can I write "goes without saying" like that here?} 179 All their powers go up. They seem to go into some kind of hyper mode.{tlc nano desu~} {no problem with this one. Abilities going up. Some sort of hyper mode.} 183 There is a way to utilise it to bring smiles and hope to the people. It's a fine way to bring smiles and hope to the people. {The way is actually by showing it off like that.} 235 He seems to have went straight for after finishing his fight with His Highness Gaul! He seems to have went straight for them after finishing his fight with His Highness Gaul! 244 Yep, it seems they needed our rescue after all. Yep, it seems they needed our rescue after all. {double space} 251 {sign@ 19:54}{28 lines until ED}{also there is a japanese sign around here saying pastillage etc in kanji~} Pastillage Main Unit 262 If the Hero king is-- i mean, if The Masked Hero is our opponent... If the Hero King is-- i mean, if The Masked Hero is our opponent... 266 The Union Festival is an event that takes place when all three countries are connected. The Union Festa, an event that takes place when all three countries are connected. {consistency} 267 The first day of the battle was fun and explosive...{atsuku as in hot but well tlc~} The first day of the battle was excitingly fun and explosive... {you could translate atsuku (hot) as exciting here} {do what you want xD} 269 The fun and commotion will continue!{continue from here on etc...sawagi needs tlc} {I'm fine with sawagi being TL'd as commotion} 275 Well then, see you soon. Well then, see you next time.